Our Policy
- As a responsible global company Flashbay believes that it is crucial that we show our environment the level of care and respect that it deserves. We aim to help protect the environment by preventing pollution, making continuous improvements to environmental relevant processes while abiding by laws and regulations.
Our Carbon Footprint

- All lighting and electrical devices (with the exception of our server) are powered down nightly to conserve energy. Where any device has an energy saving feature this is enabled. Wherever possible Flashbay avoids the use of incandescent light bulbs.
- Flashbay has a policy of upgrading our dated technology with newer energy efficient models, improving performance, energy consumption and efficiency.
- Flashbay engages in recycling of both production materials and commercial waste in all our locations worldwide.
Processing Efficiency

- Flashbay shipments are batched and processed in bulk to minimise the number of delivery trips required to move your order from our locations to your final delivery destination.
- Flashbay has chosen TNT for shipping orders to our customers. To help reduce our carbon footprint we chose a courier who actively strives to minimise their impact on the environment.
Our Products

- Flashbay offers products manufactured using recycled materials, where the customer shares our concern for the environment and requests these.
- Flashbay endeavours to use packaging made from recycled materials.
Our Staff

- All Flashbay employees are encouraged to mirror the company's values through recycling and conserving energy.
- All Flashbay employees travel to and from work using either public transport or by walking, keeping our carbon footprint with respect to staff travel as low as possible.
- We encourage all our customers and suppliers to share our environmental concern and implement their own policies and practices to minimise the impact that they have on the environment.